Grass Fed Beef needs to be cooked a little differently....

        and here's why!

The grass fed beef you may have bought before  may have been VERY lean. Almost too lean sometimes (think venison). When meat isn't marbled correctly the fat does not get into the muscle and it can make the meat taste less tender and less - YUMMY - face it, a lot of the flavor is from that glorious fat.
The fat in grass fed beef is different  - it's the healthy kind. Full of Omega 3's and with its Omega 3's in the healthy ratio to Omega 6's. This fat isn't the sludge that clogs your arteries - think olive oil. BUT, because it's more like olive oil, it's easier to lose from the meat if it's cooked wrong.

Our beef are FINISHED - beef adds fat AROUND the muscles to a certain point - usually the point at which most ranchers are harvesting their beef. We raise ours the extra time (this can take a YEAR or more extra) that it takes for the animal to start adding that beautiful fat INSIDE the muscle. So our meat is marbled and tender - juicy and flavorful. The difference is the TIME it takes to raise the animal.
We believe Ruby Red Devons are the most flavorful of any beef cattle. They are MEANT to be grass fed and turn grass into muscle and fat beautifully. The mom's milk is full of beautiful cream (that's where the term Devonshire cream comes from) that's full of butterfat and helps the calf put on weight and muscle fast - and sets the growth tone for the animals life. We can tell a good Devon meat blindfolded - bet you could after a bit also.
cooking tips
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The cardinal rules in cooking grass fed beef are:
1. Don't cook it too hot. It's OK to quickly sear the outside - but then turn the heat down - or better yet, move it to a cooler burner so it doesn't stay on the hot burner. Cook it slower - you'll keep that glorious fat (and flavor) in the muscle.
2. Don't cook it too long. Same reason - because of the physical structure of the fat, it's more fluid - cook it too long and you'll start to lose it.
3. Cook it less than you normally would. Normally like your steak medium? Cook it medium rare. You'll be surprised how little you have to cook grass fed meat - ESPECIALLY of good quality - compared to regular beef. The reason? The FAT. It's less solid - it doesn't take as long to heat up.
4. NEVER use a fork to turn your meat - use tongs. You'll lose all the juices from the punctures. And if you're really serious, it's best to use a meat thermometer, don't cut into the steak, to check done-ness - for the same reason. Keep the juices IN the meat!
That said - here's some of our favorite recipes - check back often - we'll add more of our favorites and new ones  we like!